Who We Are
Founded in 1979, Backstage Backers has been supporting all facets of the outstanding performing arts at F-M High School. We are fortunate to have a dedicated staff to teach and encourage our students. We support their efforts in any way we can! Volunteers assist the choirs, the orchestras, the bands, the fall play, the spring musical, and the talent show productions throughout the year in a number of ways including:
Coordinating volunteers to sell tickets, usher, and sell refreshments at the student productions
Hosting receptions, including the Senior Farewell reception in the spring
Providing volunteers and coordinating support for fund raisers for the traveling performing groups
Providing a dress rehearsal dinner and volunteer support for the spring musical, including help with costumes makeup, sets and the playbill
Providing support for the All-County and NYSSMA festivals held in our district
Sponsoring several student awards and scholarships each year to graduating seniors who will be pursuing a career in the arts
Supporting the Music Department in bringing professional musicians and groups to enhance their programs
Most importantly we have fun! We support our children and all the great talent in every facet of the performing arts at F-M High School. It's a great way to stay involved with our children, and make great friends at the same time. This group of parents really becomes a cohesive support system for the entire music and drama wing, and for each other! Our meetings are open to anyone and everyone! Your thoughts, ideas, interest, and time are welcome and appreciated.

Groups We Support
With 15 different music and performing arts groups at F-M High School there is something for everyone and many ways to get involved. Here's a short description of each group we provide support for during the school year.
Concert Choir is open to all students in grades 9-12. The choir meets every other day during school, and there are usually 2 different meeting times a day to accommodate more student's schedules.
Concert Band is open to all students in grades 9-12. This course meets every day during school, and all students also receive private lessons each week.
String Orchestra is open to all string students in grade 9. This orchestra meets every day or every other day during school. Each student in String Orchestra also receives in-school lessons each week.
Pep Band is an extra curricular activity that is open to all students in grades 9-12. The students typically meet once a week during football season and play at every home and playoff game.
F-M Improv Club is an extra curricular group that focuses on long and short form improvisational theater. This club meets once a week after school and has shows every month.
Thespian Troupe #98 is an honorary extra curricular organization that recognizes participation in the dramatic arts. Students earns points for their participation in theatrical productions, and The Troupe sponsors several events throughout the school year, including the fall play.
Jazz Ensemble is the top jazz group in the school. Auditions take place at the beginning of the school year, and they meet weekly outside of school hours.
Jazz Band is an extra curricular jazz group that meets weekly. All students are welcome to audition at the beginning of each school year.
Wind Ensemble is open to students in grades 10-12 who pass the audition. Auditions are held in Spring of the previous school year. They meet for class each day.
Pit Orchestra participates in the spring musical. Auditions are open to students in grades 9-12 and can include orchestra instruments, band instruments, piano, and guitar, depending on the needs of the show.
Chorale is an auditioned group open to any students in grades 10-12. Auditions are typically held in the spring of the previous year. This course meets every day.
Swing is an auditioned jazz vocal group open to students in grades 9-12. This is a extra curricular Jazz group that performs with instrumentalists at jazz concerts and also at various locations in the area. They meet once weekly.
Concert Orchestra is open to all string students in grades 9-12. This orchestra course meets every day, and students receive private lessons each week.
Symphony Orchestra is an auditioned group open to string students entering grades 10-12. This orchestra is joined by wind players from Wind Ensemble for concerts to form a full symphony. This course meets every day.
Chamber Orchestra is the top orchestral group in the school, this extra curricular auditioned group meets one evening a week. Auditions are held at the beginning of each school year.

Events We Support
F-M High School has many exciting performances throughout the school year and Backstage Backers are there to provide volunteer support in many facets for all of them.
The Fall Play is typically held in November of each school year and is sponsored by Thespian Troupe #98. Auditions are open to all students in grades 9-12.
Every Fall the Music Department holds a Dessert Night Concert. The Wind Ensemble, Chorale, and Symphony Orchestra perform. It is typically held in the gym and amazing desserts are served so that concertgoers can enjoy sweets while they listen. This concert is always a fantastic performance!
Every spring the Music Department puts on an amazing spring Musical. It is a large scale production that typically includes over 150 students in cast, crew and pit orchestra.
The mission of NYSSMA (the New York State School Music Association) is to advance music education across New York State for its membership and students in member school programs. At solo and small ensemble festivals, students are given a performance evaluation that involves playing a graded solo from the NYSSMA Manual, playing scales and sight reading.
Showboat is F-M High School's talent showcase. All proceeds from ticket sales support F-M's A Better Chance Program.
Every other year in the Spring the Music Department takes a group of students on a trip where they typically attend "master classes" and perform for an audience as well as take in the sights of their destination. Past trips have been to Nashville, Virginia Beach and Orlando.